The promising global market creates opportunity for bauxite mining growth in Sierra Leone
----Interview with Basudeb Datta, Operations Director of Sierra Mineral Holdings Limited
Asian Metal: According to China Customs, China imported around 7 million tons of bauxite from Guinea during January and September of 2016 and the volume may increase further in 2017, and more projects will witness substantial progress. Chinese interest in African bauxite investment becomes strong. What do you think of the outlook for bauxite from Sierra Leone?
Basudeb Datta: The global market is looking promising and automatically creates opportunity for further growth in the bauxite mining industry in Sierra Leone. Sierra Mineral Holdings Limited (SMHL) Vimetco in Sierra Leone is committed to promote bauxite in the world market, as it is not so known and famous like Guinea bauxite due to the fact that 90-95% of production volume was exported to its parent holding for alumina production in Romania and never enter to open market. Sierra Leone has been producing premium quality bauxite since historic past and there remains significant potential to export high quality beneficiated bauxite as well as direct shipping grade ore. I believe that Sierra Leone has huge potential to be one of the long term supply sources in the world.