Commerce Resources: Ashram REE Deposit similar to Bayan Obo
----Interview with Chris Grove
Commerce Resources Corp.
Commerce Resources Corp.
Commerce Resources Corp. is an exploration company with a particular focus on the development of its Ashram Rare Earth Element Deposit in Quebec and the Upper Fir Tantalum-Niobium Deposit in British Columbia. The measured, indicated and inferred resources of Ashram Rare Earth Element Deposit are 1.59 Mt averaging 1.77% TREO, 27.67 Mt averaging 1.90% TREO and 219.8Mt averaging 1.88% TREO respectively.
Asian Metal: Thanks for accepting the interview of Asian Metal, Chris! First at all, would you please give a brief introduction of your company firstly?
Chris: Commerce Resources Corp. was created in 1999 and was originally focused on the exploration and development of a set of carbonatites in British Columbia that were prospective for tantalum, niobium, and then later, REE's. Following the imposition of the "two tiered pricing system" for REE's in 2005 we began our hunt for a world class deposit of REE's. Following the quadrupling of the global niobium price in late 2006, we staked the Eldor claims in Quebec, which were seen as highly prospective for high grades of niobium. However, since the majority of REE's are also from carbonatite hosted sources, we continued to investigate this possibility in Quebec in parallel along with exploration for niobium.

Asian Metal: Would you like to introduce your Ashram Rare Earth Element Project?
Chris: We conducted very significant and detailed exploration programs in 2007, 2008 and 2009 on our claims in Quebec. On the last day of the field program in 2009, our Project Manager, Mr. Darren Smith directed two staff geologists to investigate one magnetic high anomaly, and this is when the Ashram Deposit outcrop was found and sampled. We drilled this area the following season and released the first drill hole on the Ashram in August 2010. The Ashram is a huge carbonatite deposit that has monazite and basnaesite mineralization, with a small amount of xenotyme. This mineralization is what allows the Ashram Deposit to have significant success with standard processing.

Asian Metal: As far as I know, you have finished the PEA of Ashram Rare Earth Element Project? Would you please share the results of the PEA?
Chris: The PEA, released in 2012, was based upon just a 10% TREO concentrate, from the simple beneficiation of ore (crushing, grinding and floatation). The PEA had a $2.3 B CAD NPV and a 44% IRR, based upon a 4,000t per day extraction, and an annual production of 16,850t of a mixed rare earth concentrate without any by products. We now produce concentrates in the +45% TREO range and with a fluorite by product. The fluorite by product will ideally be upgraded to an acid grade fluorspar concentrate.

Asian Metal: What do you see as the major advantages of Ashram Rare Earth Element Project?
Chris: I see the major advantages of the Ashram REE Deposit being that it is similar to Bayan Obo in that both deposits are carbonatites with standard mineralization, and the economic benefit of a valuable by product. The Ashram is huge, and it is also located in one of the most attractive mining jurisdictions in the world – Quebec, Canada. Our largest shareholder is Ressources Quebec, the fund run by the Government of Quebec. The Government of Quebec has also previously financed infrastructure builds for other mines such as Glencore's Raglan nickel mine, and Stornoway's Renard diamond mine. We hope that they may also do the same for our area in Nunavik, Quebec.