Great market potential for vanadium battery
----Interview with Tian Xingjiang
General Manager Hunan Sanfeng Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd.
Vice President Hunan Xinhongda Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd.
General Manager Hunan Sanfeng Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd.
Vice President Hunan Xinhongda Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd.
Founded in 2015 and located in Huayuan industrial park, Xiangxi, Hunan that is rich in gangue vanadium ore, Hunan Sanfeng Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd. produces more than 20 vanadium products, mainly including high-purity vanadium pentoxide, vanadium nitrate, high-energy vanadium flake, sodium metavanadate, Sm vanadium, vanadyl sulfate, light boiling vanadium, sodium pyrovanadate, and ammonium metavanadate, and owns an annual deep-processing capacity of 2,000 tons of vanadium pentoxide.
Founded in 2003 and located in Huaihua, Hunan, Hunan Xinhongda Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd. owns its own vanadium mine and mainly produces industrial grade ammonium metavanadate 98%min, with an annual production capacity of 3,000 tons.
Founded in 2003 and located in Huaihua, Hunan, Hunan Xinhongda Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd. owns its own vanadium mine and mainly produces industrial grade ammonium metavanadate 98%min, with an annual production capacity of 3,000 tons.
Asian Metal: Thank you for accepting our interview, Mr. Tian. Please give us a brief introduction of your company.
Mr. Tian: Focusing on refining of vanadium pentoxide, Hunan Sanfeng Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd. purchases low-purity ammonium metavanadate with grade of 96-98% to produce high-purity ammonium metavanadate with grade of 99.5-99.7% and then sells. It has an annual refining ability of 2,000 tons of vanadium pentoxide and an annual production capacity of 2,000-3,000 tons of other vanadium products.
With its own vanadium mine, Hunan Xinhongda Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd. mines stone coal ore as the raw material to produce industrial grade ammonium metavanadate 98%min, with an annual production capacity of 3,000 tons.

Asian Metal: Price for vanadium pentoxide flake once reached the higher level of over RMB500,000/t (USD33.5/lb V) from the previous level of RMB50,000/t (USD3.3/lb V) over the past decade but dropped to RMB120,000/t (USD8.0/lb V) in the first half of 2019. What are the main reasons for those sharp ups and downs?
Mr. Tian: I attribute the fluctuations in prices to national industrial policies, which aimed to increase demand and cut production capacity.
Vanadium prices witnessed several big changes in the past years and hit the record high in 2018, which completely went beyond my expectation. Vanadium producers saw considerable profits last year with dramatically increasing prices. As early as 2008, several national authorities recommended vanadium as the best additive to improve the quality of rebar, for which vanadium prices went up notably. However, prices moved down soon afterwards as it was just a recommendation. In 2018, a mandatory standard was carried out to upgrade Grade III rebar, so the demand for vanadium increased sharply. On the other hand, the strict environmental inspections resulted in shutdown of some small and unqualified vanadium plants. Higher requirements on market access reduced production capacities of vanadium products.

Asian Metal: Could you specify impacts brought by sharp ups and downs in vanadium prices to vanadium producers in terms of your operation practice?
Mr. Tian: Big changes in vanadium prices absolutely made great impacts on entity enterprises, including producers and processors. It's easier to do business when prices show a flat trend. Xinhongda Vanadium is out of production now and only a few producers maintain production in Hunan, with little profit margin. In the first half of 2019, almost all producers of vanadium raw materials suffered losses. Producers that are not required to upgrade environmental protection equipment have a slightly lower production cost while producers that follow environmental requirements all suffer losses. Producers hope prices can stand stable. Only when prices stabilize at a relatively high level, the whole industry chain can survive. Excessively high prices will harm sustainable development of the industry. According to our discussion with some experts, prices for vanadium pentoxide would stabilize at around RMB180,000/t (USD12.1/lb V) after the Spring Festival of 2019, but by the end of H1 2019, prices still moved down to RMB120,000/t (USD8.0/lb V). Sharp changes in prices brought great impacts.

Asian Metal: What are your opinions in the supply and demand structure and development prospects of vanadium market?
Mr. Tian: Over 90% of vanadium is still consumed by steel mills at present while the rest is consumed by vanadium battery, chemical, glass, catalyst and other fields. Vanadium battery industry deserves attention as chemical and other industries wouldn't see a sharp increase in consumption volume unless there are new enterprises. The development space of environmental protection industry, such as desulfurization, denitration, decarburization and catalyzing, is also stable. Vanadium battery has not been developed strongly and it would have a demand no less than that from steel mills after the technology gets matured. Thus, it may overturn the market demand layout and become an important market. We are about to set up a niobium and vanadium research center.