Chinese alumina refineries need to use imported bauxite properly and effectively
----Interview with Jinde Wen
General Engineer
Topsun International Industrial Limited
General Engineer
Topsun International Industrial Limited
Topsun International Industrial Limited is a major mining company specialized in high-quality bauxite supply and sales by taking part in mining investment, operation and trade. With a big number of good quality bauxite resources in Indonesia, Malaysia, Montenegro and Jamaica to meet different demand of Chinese alumina refineries, the company works jointly with local mining operations in terms of bauxite investment, exploration, production, management and sales, etc.
Asian Metal: Thanks for joining us in the interview. Would you please give a brief introduction of Topsun International Industrial Limited?
Jinde Wen: Topsun International Industrial Limited is a major mining company specialized in high-quality bauxite supply and sales by taking part in mining investment, operation and trade. With a big number of good quality bauxite resources in Indonesia, Malaysia, Montenegro and Jamaica to meet different demand of Chinese alumina refineries, the company works jointly with local mining operations in terms of bauxite investment, exploration, production, management and sales, etc. Paying high attention on bauxite quality and reliable supply, the company holds sufficient bauxite inventories in major China ports like Huanghua, Caofeidian, Laizhou, Yantai and Jingtang targeting buyers from different regions.

Asian Metal: Chinese bauxite imports volume reached around 100 million tons in 2019 and the figure will continue to rise for sure in 2020. What do you think of the reasons behind the record?
Jinde Wen: Yes, it is true. Chinese bauxite imports volume kept rising by around 20% YoY over the past three years and recorded around 100 million tons in 2019. I think the figure will continue to increase, as Chinese local bauxite resources supply is considerably not enough. Chinese annual alumina production volume increased from around 4 million tons to around 70 million tons over the past ten year, which accounts for more than 50% of the global alumina production volume. However, China's proven bauxite reserves and estimated reserves only account for 3-5% of world reserves. Excluding Yunnan, many alumina refineries inland China would use imported bauxite. In addition, new coastal alumina projects would completely rely on imported bauxite like Guangxi and Inner Mongolia.
Asian Metal: What are the advantages of imported bauxite?
Jinde Wen: Imported bauxite, which is primarily gibbsite with small diasporic content, consumes less limestone and could lower the energy consumption by more than 1/4 during the alumina production. For example, the average alumina production cost in Shandong is around RMB400/t lower than that in Shanxi. All alumina refineries in Shandong rely on imported bauxite. With regard to red mud processing, imported bauxite produces less red mud. Chinese origin bauxite would produce around 1.5t of red mud for one ton of alumina production, and the ratio for Jamaican bauxite keeps at 0.8:1; 1:1 for Indonesian bauxite; 1.2:1 for Guinean bauxite; 1.3-1.8:1 for Australian bauxite.