• Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(60)  01-24|Aluminum Fluoride 61%min EXW Chinadown(-300)  01-24|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-80)  01-24|Alumina 98.5%min EXW Chinadown(-110)  01-24|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(1)  01-24|Selenium Powder 99.9%min Delivered Chinaup(5)  01-24|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.5)  01-24|Calcined Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(70)  01-24|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.5)  01-24|Silicon Metal 5-5-3 Delivered Europedown(-50)  01-24|Silicon Metal 4-4-1 Delivered Europedown(-50)  01-24|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min In port Indiaup(50)  01-24|Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australiadown(-10)  01-24|Cerium Carbonate TREO 45%min, CeO2/REO 100% EXW Chinaup(100)  01-24
  • Antimony ingot market sees lower prices

    2013-06-19 09:38:20   [Print]
    BEIJING (Asian Metal) 19 Jun 13 - Antimony ingot price decreased by RMB1,000/t (USD163/t) to RMB62,000-64,000/t (USD10,131-10,458/t) ex works and RMB52,000-54,000/t (USD8,497-8,824/t) VAT excluded for antimony ingot 99.Asian Metal Copyright65%min as buying activity was thin and some suppliers could not bear the capital turnover or stock pressures in the previous days.Asian Metal Copyright65%min as buying activity was thin and some suppliers could not bear the capital turnover or stock pressures in the previous days.

    A Hunan-based producer with an output of about 300tpm told Asian Metal that he has been out of production since early June and has not resumed production till now. “We are consuming the stock,” said the source, adding an offer at about RMB63,000/t (USD10,294/t) ex works and RMB54,000/t (USD8,824/t) VAT excluded for antimony ingot 99.65%min now, down by RMB1,000/t (USD163/t) from that before the Dragon Boat Festival (10-12th June).

    The source reported that the buying activity for VAT excluded antimony ingot decreased dramatically in the past months as demand from overseas market shrunk sharply.

    Another Hunan-based antimony ingot producer with an output of about 500tpm revealed that the mainstream offer for antimony ingot 99.65%min is around RMB52,500-54,000/t (USD8,578-8,824/t) VAT excluded and RMB63,000-64,000/t (USD10,294-10,458/t) ex works in Hunan. “However, owing to thin buying activity in the spot market, part of suppliers accept prices below RMB63,000/t (USD10,294/t) ex works for antimony ingot 99.Asian Metal Copyright The source reported that the buying activity for VAT excluded antimony ingot decreased dramatically in the past months as demand from overseas market shrunk sharply.Asian Metal Copyright65%min,” said the source.

    The source claimed that most producers have stock or capital turnover pressure, and the demand is weak, so the spot market is quiet.
    .Asian Metal Copyright The source reported that the buying activity for VAT excluded antimony ingot decreased dramatically in the past months as demand from overseas market shrunk sharplyAsian Metal Copyright
    Antimony Ingot 99.65%min FOB China
    Antimony Ingot 99.65%min FOB China USD/mt
    China antimony ingot producers' operating rate statistics by province by month
    Unit: %
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