• Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(60)  01-24|Aluminum Fluoride 61%min EXW Chinadown(-300)  01-24|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-80)  01-24|Alumina 98.5%min EXW Chinadown(-110)  01-24|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(1)  01-24|Selenium Powder 99.9%min Delivered Chinaup(5)  01-24|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.5)  01-24|Calcined Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(70)  01-24|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.5)  01-24|Silicon Metal 5-5-3 Delivered Europedown(-50)  01-24|Silicon Metal 4-4-1 Delivered Europedown(-50)  01-24|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min In port Indiaup(50)  01-24|Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australiadown(-10)  01-24|Cerium Carbonate TREO 45%min, CeO2/REO 100% EXW Chinaup(100)  01-24
  • Chinese bismuth ingot plants keep raising offers

    2014-04-04 08:52:20   [Print]
    BEIJING (Asian Metal) 4 Apr 14 - Chinese bismuth ingot plants claimed that the overall stocks in hand are few and keep raising offers. The prices for bismuth ingot are around RMB135,500-137,000/t (USD9.Asian Metal CopyrightBEIJING Asian Metal 4 Apr 14 - Chinese bismuth ingot plants claimed that the overall stocks in hand are few and keep raising offers.Asian Metal Copyright92-10.03/lb) presently.

    A bismuth ingot supplier in China with an output of around 50tpm for bismuth ingot, reported that they received some orders from long-term customers recently at RMB136,000-137,000/t (USD9.95-10.03/lb), up further against the price of RMB135,000/t (USD9.88/lb) in late March.Asian Metal Copyright51lb at the time, for fear that the prices will drop further.Asian Metal Copyright The orders will be fulfilled until April 20th.

    “We could not supply materials to the spot market until late April. The overall inventory of bismuth ingot is low on the spot market now and many plants have few stocks in hand.Asian Metal Copyright92-10.Asian Metal Copyright I think the prices will go up further in the near future,” said the source.

    A bismuth ingot supplier in China, with a current output of around 25tpm, told Asian Metal that they sold some bismuth ingot at RMB136,000/t (USD9.95/lb) on the spot market recently, and have few stocks in hand now.

    The source claimed that Chinese bismuth ingot prices dropped in early March and they cleared stocks at RMB129,000-130,000/t (USD9.44-9.51/lb) at the time, for fear that the prices will drop further.Asian Metal Copyright “We could not supply materials to the spot market until late April.Asian Metal Copyright However, some bismuth ingot plants in Hunan stopped production recently and the investment demand on the market increased, so bismuth ingot prices began to rebound.Asian Metal Copyright “We could not supply materials to the spot market until late April.Asian Metal Copyright
    Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered US
    Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min Delivered US USD/lb
    China bismuth ingot producers' inventory to production ratio statistics by province by month
    Unit: %
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