• Aluminum Alloy TC A356.2 Delivered Chinadown(-20)  03-06|Copper Conc. TC 25%min CIF Chinadown(-1)  03-06|Cobalt Sulfate 20.5%min Delivered Chinaup(1500)  03-06|Cobalt Tetroxide 73.5%min Delivered Chinaup(5)  03-06|Cobalt Oxide 72%min Delivered Chinaup(4)  03-06|Lithium Cobaltate Co 60%min Delivered Chinaup(5)  03-06|Yttrium Oxide 99.999%min EXW Chinaup(1500)  03-06|Silicon Metal 2-2-02 Delivered Chinadown(-500)  03-06|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min EXW Chinaup(2900)  03-06|Bismuth Ingot 99.99%min FOB Chinaup(0.19)  03-06|Bismuth Oxide 99.9%min EXW Chinaup(2900)  03-06|Cobalt Chloride 24%min Delivered Chinaup(1000)  03-06|Silicon Carbide Green 98.5%min 10-30cm EXW Chinaup(300)  03-06|Cobalt Metal 99.8%min Delivered Chinaup(5)  03-06
  • Yida to build 20,000tpy high efficiency new activated alumina new material project

    2021-12-08 17:30:38   [Print]
    Yida announced on December 6 that it plans to invest in the construction of a high efficiency new activated alumina new material project with an annual output of 20,000t.Asian Metal Copyright The total planned investment is 260 million yuan 40.Asian Metal Copyright The total planned investment is 260 million yuan (40.Asian Metal CopyrightYida announced on December 6 that it plans to invest in the construction of a high efficiency new activated alumina new material project with an annual output of 20,000t.Asian Metal Copyright92 million US dollars), and all the funds needed will be raised by the company.
    .Asian Metal Copyright The total planned investment is 260 million yuan 40Asian Metal Copyright
    Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australia
    Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australia USD/mt
    China alumina producers' number MoM output increase statistics by province by month
    Unit: pcs
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