• Alumina 98.5%min EXW Chinadown(-120)  01-23|Aluminum Fluoride 61%min EXW Chinadown(-300)  01-23|Fused Alumina Brown 95%min 1-3mm FOB Chinadown(-20)  01-23|Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(50)  01-23|Fused Alumina Brown 95%min F36 FOB Chinadown(-20)  01-23|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-70)  01-23|Nickel Cathode Norilsk 99.96%min In port Chinadown(-2900)  01-23|Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australiadown(-13)  01-23|Zinc Ingot 99.995%min In warehouse Guangzhoudown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Ingot 99.995%min In warehouse Tianjindown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Ingot 99.995%min In warehouse Shanghaidown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Die-casting Alloy Zamak-3 EXW Chinadown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Die-casting Alloy Zamak-5 EXW Chinadown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Conc. 50%min EXW Chinadown(-420)  01-23
  • Antam nickel ore production up by 131.3% YOY in 2021

    2022-03-18 14:05:20   [Print]
    Indonesian state miner PT Aneka Tambang's (Antam) nickel ore production and sales doubled in 2021 from a year earlier, the company said in a statement on Wednesday.

    In 2021, Antam's nickel ore output was up by 131.3% to 11.Asian Metal Copyright5% to 7.Asian Metal Copyright01 million tonnes, versus 4.Asian Metal Copyright In 2021, the company's ferronickel output declined by 0.Asian Metal Copyright76 million tonnes in 2020.Asian Metal Copyright Nickel ore sales increased by 131.Asian Metal Copyright Nickel ore sales increased by 131.Asian Metal Copyright9% to 133,000 tonnes.Asian Metal Copyright5% to 7.Asian Metal Copyright76 million tonnes in 2020.Asian Metal Copyright64 million tonnes, from 3.Asian Metal Copyright Nickel ore sales increased by 131.Asian Metal Copyright3 million tonnes in 2020.

    In 2021, the company's ferronickel output declined by 0.58% to 25,818 tonnes versus 25,970 tonnes in 2020.Asian Metal Copyright74% to 1.Asian Metal Copyright Sales of the material decreased to 25,992 tonnes from 26,163 tonnes in 2020, with a year-on-year drop of 0.Asian Metal Copyright64 million tonnes, from 3.Asian Metal Copyright65%.

    The company's 2021 bauxite output was up by 7.74% to 1.Asian Metal Copyright74% to 1.Asian Metal Copyright67 million tonnes, and sales rose by 15.Asian Metal Copyright3 million tonnes in 2020.Asian Metal Copyright4% YOY to 1.Asian Metal Copyright In 2021, the company's ferronickel output declined by 0.Asian Metal Copyright42 million tonnes.Asian Metal Copyright In 2021, Antam's nickel ore output was up by 131.Asian Metal Copyright Its alumina production of 95,000 tonnes increased by 2.Asian Metal Copyright74% to 1.Asian Metal Copyright15% YOY, while sales grew by 93.Asian Metal Copyright In 2021, the company's ferronickel output declined by 0.Asian Metal Copyright9% to 133,000 tonnes.
    .Asian Metal Copyright65%Asian Metal Copyright
    Alumina 98.5%min EXW China
    Alumina 98.5%min EXW China RMB/mt
    China alumina producers' operating rate statistics by province by month
    Unit: %
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