SAIC Motor's auto sales up by 4.18% YoY in Jan-Sep
2022-10-10 15:58:47
SAIC Motor announced on October 9 that in September, the company's finished auto sales achieved 517,000 vehicles, up by 0.Asian Metal Copyright25% year on year.Asian Metal Copyright25% year on year.Asian Metal Copyright Moreover, the company has sold 3,770,000 vehicles so far this year, an increase of 4.Asian Metal Copyright Moreover, the company has sold 3,770,000 vehicles so far this year, an increase of 4.Asian Metal Copyright18% in comparison with the prior comparative period.Asian Metal Copyright18% in comparison with the prior comparative period.
.Asian Metal CopyrightSAIC Motor announced on October 9 that in September, the company's finished auto sales achieved 517,000 vehicles, up by 0Asian Metal Copyright
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