NBS: China's new energy vehicle output up by 16.3% YOY in Jan-Feb 2023
2023-03-15 15:40:17
According to data released by China's National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the added value of China's vehicle manufacturing industry declined by 1.Asian Metal Copyright0% in the first two months of 2023; China's vehicle output went down by 14.Asian Metal Copyright0% in the first two months of 2023; China's vehicle output went down by 14.Asian Metal Copyright
.Asian Metal Copyright0% YOY to about 3.Asian Metal CopyrightAccording to data released by China's National Bureau of Statistics NBS, the added value of China's vehicle manufacturing industry declined by 1.Asian Metal Copyright65 million units during the period; in particular, the new energy vehicle output rose by 16.Asian Metal Copyright
.Asian Metal Copyright3% YOY to 970,000 units.
.Asian Metal Copyright
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