• Alumina 98.5%min EXW Chinadown(-120)  01-23|Aluminum Fluoride 61%min EXW Chinadown(-300)  01-23|Fused Alumina Brown 95%min 1-3mm FOB Chinadown(-20)  01-23|Pet Coke S 3%max EXW Chinaup(50)  01-23|Fused Alumina Brown 95%min F36 FOB Chinadown(-20)  01-23|Aluminum Hydroxide 64.5%min EXW Chinadown(-70)  01-23|Nickel Cathode Norilsk 99.96%min In port Chinadown(-2900)  01-23|Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australiadown(-13)  01-23|Zinc Ingot 99.995%min In warehouse Guangzhoudown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Ingot 99.995%min In warehouse Tianjindown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Ingot 99.995%min In warehouse Shanghaidown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Die-casting Alloy Zamak-3 EXW Chinadown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Die-casting Alloy Zamak-5 EXW Chinadown(-530)  01-23|Zinc Conc. 50%min EXW Chinadown(-420)  01-23
  • STA: NEV purchase tax of RMB21.24 billion exempted in Q1 in China

    2023-04-25 14:01:37   [Print]
    China's State Taxation Administration (STA) announced recently that in the first quarter of 2023 there were a total of 1,257,000 new energy vehicles (NEV) in China benefitting from preferential policies, up by 17.Asian Metal Copyright07 billion exempted, up by 36% YoY.Asian Metal Copyright5% year on year, with a total NEV purchase tax of RMB21.Asian Metal Copyright24 billion USD3.Asian Metal Copyright24 billion (USD3.Asian Metal CopyrightChina's State Taxation Administration STA announced recently that in the first quarter of 2023 there were a total of 1,257,000 new energy vehicles NEV in China benefitting from preferential policies, up by 17.Asian Metal Copyright07 billion) exempted, up by 36% YoY.

    .Asian Metal CopyrightChina's State Taxation Administration STA announced recently that in the first quarter of 2023 there were a total of 1,257,000 new energy vehicles NEV in China benefitting from preferential policies, up by 17Asian Metal Copyright
    Neodymium Metal 99%min EXW China
    Neodymium Metal 99%min EXW China RMB/mt
    China's praseodymium-neodymium mischmetal producers' inventory to production ratio statistics by province by month
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