• Copper Conc. TC 25%min CIF Chinadown(-1)  03-25|Zinc Conc. TC 50% CIF Chinaup(10)  03-25|Sodium Pyroantimonate 58.4% Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Ethylene Glycol Antimony 57%min Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Conc. 50%min Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Trioxide 99.8%min Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min EXW Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Ingot 99.85%min EXW Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min FOB Chinaup(1000)  03-25|Antimony Trioxide 99.8%min FOB Chinaup(1000)  03-25|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(1500)  03-25|Cobalt Oxide 72%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(0.5)  03-25|Silicon Powder 99%min Delivered Chinadown(-300)  03-25
  • AsianMetal
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    Monthly Antimony Market Report Oct 2024

    2024-11-18 16:17:56   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    1 Market Highlights 2
    2 Economy and Policy 2
    2.1 China's Jan-Aug production of ten nonferrous metals up by 5.4% YoY 2
    2.2 Exploration rights transfer in China up by 194.1% in Jan-Aug 2
    2.3 China launches third batch of third round of central environmental inspections 2
    2.4 China's strategic mineral exploration rights transfer up over 200% in Q1-Q3 2
    2.5 Kazakhstan extends ban on export of black and non-ferrous metal scrap 2
    2.6 China approves export licences for antimony trioxide under new control measure 2
    3 Market Movements 2
    3.1 Chinese Market 2
    3.1.1 Prices of Chinese antimony concentrate 50%min (delivered) 2
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright1 Prices of Chinese antimony concentrate 50%min delivered 2 3.Asian Metal Copyright2 EXW prices of antimony ingot 99.65%min in China 3
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright3 Chinese antimony trioxide producers' stocks up by 65.Asian Metal Copyright3 EXW prices for antimony ingot 99.85%min in China 3
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright74% MoM in October 6 5.Asian Metal Copyright4 Prices of Chinese antimony trioxide 99.5%min (delivered) 3
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright3.Asian Metal Copyright5 Prices of Chinese antimony trioxide 99.8%min (delivered) 3
    3.1.6 Prices of Chinese ethylene glycol antimony 57%min (delivered) 3
    3.2 China's Export Market 4
    3.2.Asian Metal Copyright1 Antimony ingot producers statistics 6 5.Asian Metal Copyright1 FOB prices of Chinese antimony ingot 99.65%min 4
    3.2.Asian Metal Copyright1 China's Jan-Aug production of ten nonferrous metals up by 5.Asian Metal Copyright2 FOB prices for Chinese antimony trioxide 99.5%min 4
    3.3 International Market 4
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright1.Asian Metal Copyright1 Prices of antimony ingot 99.65%min in Indian ports 4
    3.3.Asian Metal CopyrightContent 1 Market Highlights 2 2 Economy and Policy 2 2.Asian Metal Copyright2 Prices of antimony ingot 99.65%min in warehouse Rotterdam 4
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright1 Qinghai Xikuang begins hot commissioning of valuable metals recycling project 5 4.Asian Metal Copyright3 Prices of antimony trioxide 99.5%min in warehouse Rotterdam 4
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright4 Rui'an Mining to build antimony ore dressing plant and tailings pond 5 4.Asian Metal Copyright4 Prices of antimony ingot 99.65% in warehouse Baltimore 5
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright21% MoM in September 9 .Asian Metal Copyright5 Prices of antimony trioxide 99.5%min in warehouse Baltimore 5
    4 Company News 5
    4.1 Qinghai Xikuang begins hot commissioning of valuable metals recycling project 5
    4.2 Guangxi Wanshizhi Rare and Precious Metal Technology suspends antimony ingot production 5
    4.3 Ruidong Mining to build antimony smelting project 5
    4.4 Rui'an Mining to build antimony ore dressing plant and tailings pond 5
    4.5 Hsikwangshan Twinkling Star reduces antimony trioxide production 5
    4.6 Huaxi Nonferrous reports strong Q3 production results 5
    4.7 Hunan Yanshan to resume antimony ingot production 6
    5 Producers Statistics 6
    5.1 Antimony ingot producers statistics 6
    5.1.1 Chinese antimony ingot producers' operating rate down by 7% MoM in October 6
    5.1.Asian Metal Copyright3 China launches third batch of third round of central environmental inspections 2 2.Asian Metal Copyright2 Chinese antimony ingot producers' output down by 15.27% YoY in October 6
    5.1.Asian Metal Copyright1 Chinese antimony trioxide producers' operating rate down by 27.Asian Metal Copyright3 Chinese antimony ingot producers' stocks up by 21.74% MoM in October 6
    5.2 Chinese antimony trioxide producers statistics 7
    5.2.Asian Metal Copyright5 Prices of antimony trioxide 99.Asian Metal Copyright1 Chinese antimony trioxide producers' operating rate down by 27.61% MoM in October 7
    5.2.Asian Metal Copyright3 China's antimony trioxide export volume up by 34.Asian Metal Copyright2 Chinese antimony trioxide producers' output down by 25.88% YoY in October 2024 7
    5.2.Asian Metal Copyright21% MoM in September 9 .Asian Metal Copyright3 Chinese antimony trioxide producers' stocks up by 65.25% MoM in October 8
    6 Customs Statistics 8
    6.1 China's antimony concentrate import volume up by 77.49% YoY in September 2024 8
    6.2 China's antimony ingot export volume up by 243.26% MoM in September 2024 9
    6.3 China's antimony trioxide export volume up by 34.21% MoM in September 9

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