Monthly Tungsten Market Report Dec 2024
2025-01-16 18:02:34 【Print】
The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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1. Market Highlights
Prices for tungsten products dropped slightly in the Chinese market in December when buyers were inactive in refilling stocks without sufficient confidence about the market outlook at the year-end. Most insiders mainly implemented long-term orders during the month, when consumers generally kept purchasing based on orders . Some mines intended to reduce stocks at the year-end and accordingly became more willing to close spot deals, so prices of most deals in the market dropped slightly . Chinese producers of tungsten products kept their operating rates steady in December and most of them mainly carried out the year-end orders . Due to the approaching of the Spring Festival holiday in China, the international tungsten market ran slowly during December with limited spot purchases as most international buyers just took a wait-and-see attitude towards the future market.
Prices for tungsten products dropped slightly in the Chinese market in December when buyers were inactive in refilling stocks without sufficient confidence about the market outlook at the year-end. Most insiders mainly implemented long-term orders during the month, when consumers generally kept purchasing based on orders . Some mines intended to reduce stocks at the year-end and accordingly became more willing to close spot deals, so prices of most deals in the market dropped slightly . Chinese producers of tungsten products kept their operating rates steady in December and most of them mainly carried out the year-end orders . Due to the approaching of the Spring Festival holiday in China, the international tungsten market ran slowly during December with limited spot purchases as most international buyers just took a wait-and-see attitude towards the future market.