Yinman Mining suspends operation after fatal accident
2025-03-11 17:14:19 [Print]
On March 9, a safety accident occurred at the Yinman Mining project site operated by Henan Jinyuan Construction Co
Following the accident, the company has reported the incident to local emergency management authorities in accordance with relevant regulations. The cause of the accident is currently under investigation . As a precautionary measure, mining operations at the project have been suspended . However, the dressing plant remains in normal operation, and surface ore stocks from the mining area are expected to sustain production for approximately two months.
Yinman Mining specializes in the extraction and sales of non-ferrous metals, including silver, tin, copper, lead, and zinc. The company has an existing mining and dressing capacity of 1 . 65 million tonnes per annum.
. , Ltd . , the mining contractor for Xiwuzhumuqin Banner Yinman Mining Co . , Ltd . , a wholly-owned subsidiary of Inner Mongolia Xingye Silver & Tin Mining Co . , Ltd . The incident, which took place during mining operations, resulted in one fatality . No other injuries were reported.Following the accident, the company has reported the incident to local emergency management authorities in accordance with relevant regulations. The cause of the accident is currently under investigation . As a precautionary measure, mining operations at the project have been suspended . However, the dressing plant remains in normal operation, and surface ore stocks from the mining area are expected to sustain production for approximately two months.
Yinman Mining specializes in the extraction and sales of non-ferrous metals, including silver, tin, copper, lead, and zinc. The company has an existing mining and dressing capacity of 1 . 65 million tonnes per annum.