• Copper Conc. TC 25%min CIF Chinadown(-1)  03-25|Zinc Conc. TC 50% CIF Chinaup(10)  03-25|Sodium Pyroantimonate 58.4% Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Ethylene Glycol Antimony 57%min Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Conc. 50%min Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Trioxide 99.8%min Delivered Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min EXW Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Ingot 99.85%min EXW Chinaup(11000)  03-25|Antimony Trioxide 99.5%min FOB Chinaup(1000)  03-25|Antimony Trioxide 99.8%min FOB Chinaup(1000)  03-25|Antimony Ingot 99.65%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(1500)  03-25|Cobalt Oxide 72%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(0.5)  03-25|Silicon Powder 99%min Delivered Chinadown(-300)  03-25
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    Chrome Industry Annual Report 2024

    2025-03-17 20:30:49   【Print】
    The following is a brief synopsis of the report. Your access is restricted as it is a subscription based service.
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    1. Chrome Industry Overview 5
    1.1 Definition 5
    1.2 Application 5
    1.2.1 Metallurgy industry 5
    1.2.2 Chemical industry 5
    1.2.3 Refractories and cast iron 5
    1.3 Type of chromium 5
    1.4 Distribution of chromium resource 5
    1.4.1 Distribution of chrome ore in the world 5
    1.4.2 Distribution of chrome ore in China 5
    1.4.3 Distribution of HC ferrochrome production in China in 2024 5
    1.4.4 Distribution of LC ferrochrome production in China in 2024 6
    2. Economy and Policy 6
    2.1 Ferrochrome export tariff has no change compared with 2024 6
    2.2 China releases 2024 Catalogue of Goods Subject to Export License Administration 6
    2.3 China sees remarkable results in green transition for industrial sectors 6
    2.4 Nigeria would only issue licences to local processing miners 6
    2.5 China begins second batch of third round of central environmental inspections 6
    2.6 US to impose tax on Chinese-made chrome metal 6
    2.7 China unveils two-year plan for energy conservation and carbon reduction 6
    2.8 China completes on-site work for latest round of central environmental inspections 6
    2.9 China launches inspection of state-owned natural resources assets 6
    3. Market Movements 6
    3.1 Chinese market movements 6
    3.1.1 Chinese HC ferrochrome Cr52%min C8%max (50-basis) EXW China 7
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright32 Wenchuan Shunfa resumes HC ferrochrome production 29 4.Asian Metal Copyright2 Chinese LC ferrochrome Cr55%min C0.25%max (60%-basis) EXW China 7
    3.1.Asian Metal Copyright1 South African HC ferrochrome Cr50%min C 8%max CIF China 20 3.Asian Metal Copyright3 Chinese LC ferrochrome Cr55%min C0.1%max (60%-basis) EXW China 8
    3.1.4 South African HC ferrochrome Cr50%min C 8%max (50-basis) in port China 9
    3.1.5 Indian HC ferrochrome Cr58% C8%max (50-basis) in port China 10
    3.1.7 Silicon chromium Si42%min Cr 30%min EXW China 11
    3.1.8 Chrome metal 99%min EXW China 12
    3.1.9 South African chrome concentrate 40%min in port China 13
    3.1.10 Prices for Turkish chrome lump 40%min in port China 14
    3.1.11 Prices for Turkish chrome concentrate 46%min in port China 15
    3.2 China's Export Market Movements 16
    3.2.Asian Metal Copyright91 Wenchuan Shunfa to cut HC ferrochrome production 34 4.Asian Metal Copyright1 LC ferrochrome Cr60%min C 0.1%max (60%-basis) FOB China 16
    3.3 International Market Movements 16
    3.3.1 HC ferrochrome Cr60%min C8%max in Europe 16
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright6 CIF China prices for ferrochrome by country 20 3.Asian Metal Copyright2 LC ferrochrome Cr60%min C0.1%max in Europe 17
    3.3.3 HC ferrochromeCr60%min C8%max in America 18
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright4 Chinese producers' inventory of HC ferrochrome in 2024 37 5.Asian Metal Copyright4 LC ferrochrome Cr60%min C0.1%max in America 19
    3.3.6 CIF China prices for ferrochrome by country 20
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright2 Chinese producers' HC ferrochrome operating rate in 2024 37 5.Asian Metal Copyright6.1 South African HC ferrochrome Cr50%min C 8%max CIF China 20
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright2 Application 5 1.Asian Metal Copyright7.2 Indian HC ferrochrome Cr58% min C8%max CIF China 21
    3.3.8 CIF China prices for chrome ore by country 21
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright16 Guangzhou Kaineng to start commercial production of chrome concentrate in Zimbabwe 28 4.Asian Metal Copyright8.1 South African chrome concentrate 40%min CIF China 21
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright8 Chinese producers' inventory of LC ferrochrome in 2024 39 6.Asian Metal Copyright8.2 South African chrome concentrate 42%min CIF China 22
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright1.Asian Metal Copyright8.3 Turkish chrome lump 40%min CIF China 23
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright37 Guangxi Zhitai to increase HC ferrochrome production 30 4.Asian Metal Copyright8.4 Turkish chrome concentrate 46%min CIF China 24
    3.3.9 FOB prices for chrome ore by country 25
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright94 Wenchuan Sanli to halt HC ferrochrome production 34 4.Asian Metal Copyright9.1 South African chrome concentrate 40%min FOB South African 25
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright3 China sees remarkable results in green transition for industrial sectors 6 2.Asian Metal Copyright9.2 Turkish chrome lump 40%min FOB Turkey 25
    3.3.Asian Metal Copyright Customs Statistics 39 6.Asian Metal Copyright9.3 Turkish chrome concentrate 46%min FOB Turkey 26
    4. Company News 27
    4.1 Baoji Houde Naimo Material resumes LC ferrochrome production 27
    4.2 Xuzhou Hongyang New Material Technology stops HC ferrochrome production 27
    4.4 Sinosteel Zimbabwe unit puts new ferrochrome furnace into operation 27
    4.5 Metso inks agreement with FACOR for new ferrochrome plant in India 27
    4.6 Outokumpu to restrict ferrochrome production on weak market conditions 27
    4.7 Boyuan Silicon to decrease HC Ferrochrome production 27
    4.8 Outokumpu idles stainless steel and ferrochrome operations in Finland 27
    4.9 Apogee Core Mining to resume production of chrome ore 28
    4.10 Gutian Jufeng has no intention to resume LC FeCr production 28
    4.11 Haowei Changwei to increase HC ferrochrome production 28
    4.12 Tianbao Alloy breaks ground on HC ferrochrome project 28
    4.13 Sichuan Mingda to increase HC ferrochrome production 28
    4.14 Inner Mongolia Xiaolong to decrease HC ferrochrome production 28
    4.15 Minmetals Development sees steady rise in annual sales of main products 28
    4.16 Guangzhou Kaineng to start commercial production of chrome concentrate in Zimbabwe 28
    4.17 Solitaire Resources to cut chrome ore production 28
    4.18 Inner Mongolia Xiaolong to decrease HC ferrochrome production 28
    4.19 Ebian Yunxing resumes HC ferrochrome production 28
    4.20 Yingjing Yiming to resume LC ferrochrome production 28
    4.21 Wenchuan Shunfa resumes HC ferrochrome production 29
    4.22 Minmetals Development reports Q1 ore products sales results 29
    4.23 Tata Steel to cut HC ferrochrome production further 29
    4.24 Yaxin Longshun to build 1.6Mtpa ferrochrome project 29
    4.25 Fugu Yuchao Coal Chemical to cut HC ferrochrome production 29
    4.26 Guangxi Zhitai to increase HC ferrochrome production 29
    4.27 Sichuan Lushan Dachuan resumes LC ferrochrome production 29
    4.28 Liaoning Futie to increase LC ferrochrome production 29
    4.29 Patkinson Enterprises looks for investors of HC ferrochrome 29
    4.30 JASS Minerals and Metals to start production of chrome ore 29
    4.31 Yingjing Yiming to resume LC ferrochrome production 29
    4.32 Wenchuan Shunfa resumes HC ferrochrome production 29
    4.33 Minmetals Development reports Q1 ore products sales results 30
    4.34 Tata Steel to cut HC ferrochrome production further 30
    4.35 Yaxin Longshun to build 1.6Mtpa ferrochrome project 30
    4.36 Fugu Yuchao Coal Chemical to cut HC ferrochrome production 30
    4.37 Guangxi Zhitai to increase HC ferrochrome production 30
    4.38 Sichuan Lushan Dachuan resumes LC ferrochrome production 30
    4.39 Liaoning Futie to increase LC ferrochrome production 30
    4.40 Patkinson Enterprises looks for investors of HC ferrochrome 30
    4.41 JASS Minerals and Metals to start production of chrome ore 30
    4.42 Liaoning Futie to increase LC ferrochrome production 30
    4.43 Patkinson Enterprises looks for investors of HC ferrochrome 30
    4.44 JASS Minerals and Metals to start production of chrome ore 30
    4.45 Rebantshi increases chrome ore production 30
    4.46 GSA halts HC ferrochrome production 31
    4.47 Tata Steel to cut HC ferrochrome production 31
    4.48 Xinjiang Aofan to cut HC ferrochrome production 31
    4.49 Elmaci Mining to increase chrome ore production 31
    4.50 Al Tamman to raise HC ferrochrome production 31
    4.51 Elmaci Mining to raise chrome concentrate production 31
    4.52 Al Goabetswe Holding to increase chrome ore production 31
    4.53 Truck Stone to cut chrome ore production 31
    4.54 East African Mining starts chrome ore production 31
    4.55 Pinglu Changseng increases HC ferrochrome production 31
    4.56 Fu Ferroalloys Group to increase LC ferrochrome production 31
    4.57 Rebantshi halts chrome ore production 31
    4.58 Akkarginskiye Chromity halts chrome ore production 31
    4.59 Jianchang Fangri resumes HC ferrochrome production 32
    4.60 Xinzhong Manganese to increase HC ferrochrome production 32
    4.61 Global Interprise to decrease chrome ore production 32
    4.62 Mintal Chrome cuts HC ferrochrome production 32
    4.63 Tata Steel to decrease HC ferrochrome production 32
    4.64 Dongtai Huading resumes LC ferrochrome production 32
    4.65 Sichuan Huaxin to decrease HC ferrochrome production 32
    4.66 Karona starts to produce high-grade of chrome ore 32
    4.67 Jumao metal resumes chrome metal production 32
    4.68 Inner Mongolia Xiaolong to cut HC ferrochrome production 32
    4.69 Xinzhong Manganese to halt HC ferrochrome production 32
    4.70 Pinglu Changsheng halts HC ferrochrome production 32
    4.71 Fengyu Ferroalloy to decrease HC ferrochrome production 33
    4.72 Actio investment to put into production of chrome ore dressing plant 33
    4.73 Elmaci Mining to cut chrome ore production 33
    4.74 Rebantshi Trading to raise chrome ore production 33
    4.75 Montheri to cut chrome concentrate production 33
    4.76 Shimian Dele halts HC ferrochrome production 33
    4.77 Khansz halts production of chrome ore 33
    4.78 Ali Bhai & Sons suspends chrome ore production 33
    4.79 East African halts chrome ore production 33
    4.80 Xinsheng Special Alloy to swap capacity for low-Ti ferrochrome 33
    4.81 Mintal Chrome decreases HC ferrochrome production further 33
    4.82 Hohhot Amway Smelting resumes HC ferrochrome production 33
    4.83 Fu Ferroalloys Group to increase LC ferrochrome production 33
    4.84 Tata Steel to increases HC ferrochrome production 34
    4.85 Jai Balaji Industries cuts HC ferrochrome production 34
    4.86 Mintal Chrome to increase HC ferrochrome production 34
    4.87 Hanzhong Xinbo halts HC ferrochrome production 34
    4.88 Karona to cut production of chrome ore 34
    4.89 Imbhewu Industrial halts chrome ore production 34
    4.90 Kehan Metallurgy to decrease HC ferrochrome production 34
    4.91 Wenchuan Shunfa to cut HC ferrochrome production 34
    4.92 Global Interprise to cut chrome ore production 34
    4.93 Huaxin Ferroalloy to stop HC ferrochrome production 34
    4.94 Wenchuan Sanli to halt HC ferrochrome production 34
    4.95 Guangxi Zhitai to halt HC ferrochrome production 34
    4.96 Tiantai Chemical to cut HC ferrochrome production 35
    4.97 Elmaci Mining stops chrome ore production 35
    4.98 MHS Mining halts chrome ore production 35
    4.99 ACTIO starts production of chrome concentrate 35
    4.100 Montheri halts chrome ore production 35
    4.101 Aggripa Minerals to cut chrome ore production 35
    4.102 Mineral Development Oman to start chrome ore production 35
    4.103 Aggripa Minerals to increase chrome ore production 35
    4.104 Global Interprise to stop chrome ore production 35
    4.105 Kehan Metallurgy to increase HC ferrochrome production 35
    4.106 Tiantai Chemical to cut HC ferrochrome production further 35
    4.108 Change Jumao resumes chrome metal production 35
    4.109 Rine-Cube Capital to increase chrome ore production 36
    4.110 Lanxess to cut chrome ore production 36
    4.111 Liaoning Shengyun halts HC ferrochrome production 36
    4.112 Haowei Changwei to stop HC ferrochrome production 36
    4.113 Tata to increase HC ferrochrome production 36
    4.114 Sichuan Jiaqing halts HC ferrochrome production 36
    4.115 Jilin Ferroalloy to cut HC ferrochrome production 36
    4.116 Dongsheng Mining plans to halt production of HC ferrochrome 36
    4.117 Mintal Chrome to increase HC ferrochrome production 36
    4.118 Fugu Yuchao to increase HC ferrochrome production 36
    5. Producers Statistics 36
    5.1 Chinese producers' HC ferrochrome production capacity in 2024 36
    5.2 Chinese producers' HC ferrochrome operating rate in 2024 37
    5.3 Chinese producers' HC ferrochrome output in 2024 37
    5.4 Chinese producers' inventory of HC ferrochrome in 2024 37
    5.5 Chinese producers' LC ferrochrome production capacity in 2024 38
    5.6 Chinese producers' LC ferrochrome operating rate in 2024 38
    5.7 Chinese producers' LC ferrochrome output in 2024 38
    5.8 Chinese producers' inventory of LC ferrochrome in 2024 39
    6. Customs Statistics 39
    6.1 China's chrome ore imports in 2024 39
    6.2 China's ferrochrome (C>4%) imports by month in 2024 39
    7. Outlook for 2025 40
    7.1 Chinese Market Outlook for 2025 40
    7.1.1 Chinese ferrochrome 40
    7.1.2 Imported ferrochrome 40
    7.1.3 Chrome ore 40
    7.1.4 Chrome metal 40

    .Asian Metal Copyright17 Solitaire Resources to cut chrome ore production 28 4Asian Metal Copyright
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