Monthly Tungsten Market Report Feb 2025
2025-03-18 16:57:37 【Print】
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1. Market Highlights 2
2. Economy and Policy 2
2.1 China tightens export controls of critical materials 2
2.2 India cancels tariffs on over a dozen key mineral waste materials 2
2.3 US preliminarily determines anti-dumping tax rate for tungsten bead from China 2
2.4 Guangxi makes major progress in exploration of strategic minerals 2
3. Market Movements 2
3.1 Market Movements in China 2
3.1.1 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten concentrate 65%min 2
3.1 . 2 EXW prices for Chinese APT 88.5%min 2
3.1 . 3 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten oxide 99.95%min 3
3.1 . 4 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten carbide powder 99 . 8%min 2 . 5-7.0μm 3
3.1 . 5 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten powder 99 . 95%min 2 . 5-7.0μm 3
3.1.6 EXW prices for Chinese ferrotungsten 75%min 3
3.1.7 EXW prices for Chinese ferrotungsten 70%min 3
3.1 . 8 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten bar 99.9%min 4
3.1.9 EXW prices for Chinese sodium tungstate 68%min 4
3.1.10 Prices for Chinese tungsten grinding sward scrap W70%min Co5%min (Ex-VAT delivered) 4
3.1.11 Prices for Chinese tungsten scrap CNC cutting blade W70%min (Ex-VAT delivered) 4
3.1.12 Prices for Chinese tungsten scrap anvil 90%min (Ex-VAT delivered) 4
3.1.13 Prices for Chinese tungsten scrap drill 70%min (Ex-VAT delivered) 4
3.2 Export Market Movements 5
3.2 . 1 FOB prices for Chinese APT 88.5%min 5
3.2 . 2 FOB prices for Chinese tungsten carbide powder 99 . 8%min 2 . 5-7.0μm 5
3.2 . 3 FOB prices for Chinese tungsten oxide WO3 99.95%min 5
3.2.4 FOB prices for Chinese ferrotungsten 75%min 5
3.2 . 5 FOB prices for Chinese tungsten bar W-4 99.9%min 5
3.3 Market Movements Abroad 6
3.3.1 FOB prices for African tungsten concentrate 50%min 6
3.3 . 2 Prices for European APT 88.5%min in warehouse Rotterdam 6
3.3.3 Prices for European ferrotungsten 75%min in warehouse Rotterdam 6
4. Company News 6
4.1 EQ Resources expands Spanish tungsten production capacity 6
5. Producers Statistics 6
5.1 Data on tungsten concentrate 6
5.1 . 1 Chinese tungsten concentrate producers' operating rate up by 4.5% MoM in February 6
5.1 . 2 Chinese tungsten concentrate producers' output up by 1.53% YoY in February 7
5.1.3 Chinese tungsten concentrate producers' stocks down by 100% YoY in February 7
5.2 Data on APT 7
5.2 . 1 Chinese APT producers' operating rate down by 8.18% YoY in February 7
5.2 . 2 Chinese APT producers' output down by 11.8% YoY in February 8
5.2 . 3 Chinese APT producers' stocks down by 44.44% YoY in February 8
5.3 Data on tungsten carbide 9
5.3 . 1 Chinese tungsten carbide producers' operating rate up by 4.08% MoM in February 9
5.3 . 2 Chinese tungsten carbide producers' output down by 4.09% MoM in February 9
5.3.3 Chinese tungsten carbide producers' stocks up by 25% YoY in February 9
1. Market Highlights 2
2. Economy and Policy 2
2.1 China tightens export controls of critical materials 2
2.2 India cancels tariffs on over a dozen key mineral waste materials 2
2.3 US preliminarily determines anti-dumping tax rate for tungsten bead from China 2
2.4 Guangxi makes major progress in exploration of strategic minerals 2
3. Market Movements 2
3.1 Market Movements in China 2
3.1.1 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten concentrate 65%min 2
3.1 . 2 EXW prices for Chinese APT 88.5%min 2
3.1 . 3 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten oxide 99.95%min 3
3.1 . 4 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten carbide powder 99 . 8%min 2 . 5-7.0μm 3
3.1 . 5 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten powder 99 . 95%min 2 . 5-7.0μm 3
3.1.6 EXW prices for Chinese ferrotungsten 75%min 3
3.1.7 EXW prices for Chinese ferrotungsten 70%min 3
3.1 . 8 EXW prices for Chinese tungsten bar 99.9%min 4
3.1.9 EXW prices for Chinese sodium tungstate 68%min 4
3.1.10 Prices for Chinese tungsten grinding sward scrap W70%min Co5%min (Ex-VAT delivered) 4
3.1.11 Prices for Chinese tungsten scrap CNC cutting blade W70%min (Ex-VAT delivered) 4
3.1.12 Prices for Chinese tungsten scrap anvil 90%min (Ex-VAT delivered) 4
3.1.13 Prices for Chinese tungsten scrap drill 70%min (Ex-VAT delivered) 4
3.2 Export Market Movements 5
3.2 . 1 FOB prices for Chinese APT 88.5%min 5
3.2 . 2 FOB prices for Chinese tungsten carbide powder 99 . 8%min 2 . 5-7.0μm 5
3.2 . 3 FOB prices for Chinese tungsten oxide WO3 99.95%min 5
3.2.4 FOB prices for Chinese ferrotungsten 75%min 5
3.2 . 5 FOB prices for Chinese tungsten bar W-4 99.9%min 5
3.3 Market Movements Abroad 6
3.3.1 FOB prices for African tungsten concentrate 50%min 6
3.3 . 2 Prices for European APT 88.5%min in warehouse Rotterdam 6
3.3.3 Prices for European ferrotungsten 75%min in warehouse Rotterdam 6
4. Company News 6
4.1 EQ Resources expands Spanish tungsten production capacity 6
5. Producers Statistics 6
5.1 Data on tungsten concentrate 6
5.1 . 1 Chinese tungsten concentrate producers' operating rate up by 4.5% MoM in February 6
5.1 . 2 Chinese tungsten concentrate producers' output up by 1.53% YoY in February 7
5.1.3 Chinese tungsten concentrate producers' stocks down by 100% YoY in February 7
5.2 Data on APT 7
5.2 . 1 Chinese APT producers' operating rate down by 8.18% YoY in February 7
5.2 . 2 Chinese APT producers' output down by 11.8% YoY in February 8
5.2 . 3 Chinese APT producers' stocks down by 44.44% YoY in February 8
5.3 Data on tungsten carbide 9
5.3 . 1 Chinese tungsten carbide producers' operating rate up by 4.08% MoM in February 9
5.3 . 2 Chinese tungsten carbide producers' output down by 4.09% MoM in February 9
5.3.3 Chinese tungsten carbide producers' stocks up by 25% YoY in February 9