Silicon Carbide Industry Annual Report 2024
2025-03-20 07:57:50 【Print】
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1. Definition, Type, Distribution, Application 4
1.1 Definition 4
1.2 Type 4
1.2.1 By grade 4
1.2.2 By colour 4
1.2.3 By size 4
1.3 Distribution 4
1.3.1 Distribution of black silicon carbide 4
1.3.2 Distribution of green silicon carbide 4
1.4 Application 4
1.4.1 By grade 4
1.4.2 By colour 4
1.4.3 By size 4
2. Economy and Policy 4
2.1 Chinese economy and policy 4
2.1.1 China releases 2024 Catalogue of Goods Subject to Export License Administration 5
3. Market Movements 6
3.1 Domestic market 6
3.1.1 Black silicon carbide 88%min 0-10mm EXW China 6
3.1.2 Black silicon carbide 98%min 10-30mm EXW China 7
3.1.3 Black silicon carbide 98%min F16-100 EXW China 8
3.1 . 4 Green silicon carbide 98.5%min 10-30mm EXW China 9
3.1.5 Green silicon carbide 98%min F240 EXW China 10
3.1.6 Green silicon carbide 98%min JIS2000 EXW China 10
3.2 Chinese export market 11
3.2.1 Black silicon carbide 88%min 0-10mm FOB China 11
3.2.2 Black silicon carbide 98%min F16-100 FOB China 12
3.2.3 Green silicon carbide 98%min F240 FOB China 13
3.2.4 Green silicon carbide 98%min JIS2000 FOB China 14
3.3 International market 15
3.3.1 Black silicon carbide 88%min 0-10mm CIF Europe 15
4. Company News 16
4.1 Gansu Hongding resumes black silicon carbide production 16
4.2 Hualong Yongsheng to resume black silicon carbide production 16
4.3 Lanzhou Zhongli resumes black silicon carbide production 16
4.4 Qinghai Xinchang resumes black silicon carbide production 16
4.5 Xinnengtianyuan resumed green silicon carbide production 16
4.6 Ningxia Hexing resumes black silicon carbide production 16
4.7 Xinjiang Tianhongji resumes green silicon carbide production 17
4.8 Ningxia Longding resumes black silicon carbide production 17
4.9 Tianzhu Juxin resumes black silicon carbide production 17
4.10 Lanzhou Xinyongda to resume black silicon carbide production 17
4.11 Gnasu Rongxin starts black silicon carbide processing 17
4.12 Ningxia Xingertai resume black silicon carbide production 17
4.13 Shimian Tenglong to resume green silicon carbide production 18
4.14 Tianquan Shunhe to resume green silicon carbide production 18
4.15 Ganluo Tengtai resumes green silicon carbide production 18
4.16 Tianzhu Kanghong resumes black silicon carbide production 18
4.17 Xinjiang Hongkun resumes black silicon carbide production 18
4.18 Jidong Baoxin to stop black silicon carbide production 18
4.19 Ningxia Yulong to resume black silicon carbide production 19
5. Producers Statistics 19
5.1 Chinese black silicon carbide producers' statistics 19
5.1 . 1 Statistics on Chinese black silicon carbide producers' total number down by 10.25% YoY 19
5.1 . 2 Chinese black silicon carbide producers' production capacity down by 2.06% YoY 19
5.1 . 3 Chinese black silicon carbide producers' average operating rate up by 5.66% YoY 19
5.1 . 4 Chinese black silicon carbide producers' output down by 9.48% YoY 20
5.1 . 5 Chinese black silicon carbide producers' inventory to production ratio up by 17.05% YoY 20
5.2 Statistics on Chinese green silicon carbide producers 20
5.2 . 1 Chinese green silicon carbide producers' total number down by 9.09% YoY 20
5.2 . 2 Chinese green silicon carbide producers' production capacity down by 10.13% YoY 21
5.2 . 3 Chinese green silicon carbide producers' average operating rate up by 5.83% YoY 21
5.2 . 4 Chinese green silicon carbide producers' output up by 6.92% YoY 21
5.2 . 5 Chinese green silicon carbide producers' inventory to production ratio down by 34.89% YoY 22
6. Customs Statistics 22
6.1 China's silicon carbide exports in 2024 down by 1.61% YoY 22
7. Supply and Demand Outlook 22
7.1 Black silicon carbide 22
7.2 Green silicon carbide 23