• Zinc Conc. TC 50% CIF Chinaup(20)  03-21|Copper Conc. TC 25%min CIF Chinadown(-1)  03-21|Aluminum Alloy TC A356.2 Delivered Chinadown(-10)  03-21|Cobalt Metal 99.8%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(0.5)  03-21|Cobalt Oxide 72%min In warehouse Rotterdamup(0.5)  03-21|Cobalt Metal 99.8%min In warehouse Baltimoreup(0.5)  03-21|Selenium Dioxide 98%min Delivered Chinaup(3)  03-21|Alumina 98.5%min FOB Australiadown(-12)  03-21|Cobalt Chloride 24%min Delivered Chinaup(1500)  03-21|Cobalt Intermediate 30-40% CIF Chinaup(0.2)  03-21|Lanthanum Oxide 99.999%min EXW Chinaup(400)  03-21|Nickel Ore Philippine 1.5%min CIF Chinaup(1.5)  03-21|Indium Ingot 99.995%min Delivered Europeup(10)  03-21|Indium Ingot 99.995%min Delivered USup(10)  03-21
  • Lanshi partners with Jinchuan to build nickel-based alloy project

    2025-03-21 14:45:08   [Print]
    On March 20, Lanzhou Lanshi Group Co.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright, Lanzhou Lanshi Super Alloy New Material Co.Asian Metal Copyright The project will leverage Jinchuan Group's unique advantages in nickel, cobalt, and other resource, along with its smelting expertise, while integrating Lanzhou LS Group's 125MN fast forging hydraulic unit and other heavy equipment manufacturing and forging technologies.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright, and Jinchuan Group Nickel Alloy Co.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright .Asian Metal Copyright reached a joint venture agreement to invest 270 million yuan (37.Asian Metal Copyright The project will leverage Jinchuan Group's unique advantages in nickel, cobalt, and other resource, along with its smelting expertise, while integrating Lanzhou LS Group's 125MN fast forging hydraulic unit and other heavy equipment manufacturing and forging technologies.Asian Metal Copyright25 million US dollars) to establish Lanzhou Jinchuan Nickel Alloy Co.Asian Metal Copyright These materials will serve key sectors such as aerospace, national defense, nuclear power, and ultra-supercritical materials.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright (tentative name) in Lanzhou New Area.

    Under the agreement, Jinchuan Group Nickel Alloy will hold a 70% stake in the joint venture, while Lanshi Group and Lanshi Super Alloy will hold 11.5% and 18.Asian Metal Copyright, Ltd.Asian Metal Copyright5%, respectively.Asian Metal Copyright, and Jinchuan Group Nickel Alloy Co.Asian Metal Copyright The joint venture will develop a production line for advanced nickel-based alloy materials, with an annual capacity of 10,000 tonnes, catering to high-end equipment manufacturing.

    The project will leverage Jinchuan Group's unique advantages in nickel, cobalt, and other resource, along with its smelting expertise, while integrating Lanzhou LS Group's 125MN fast forging hydraulic unit and other heavy equipment manufacturing and forging technologies. This collaboration will create a vertically integrated industrial chain spanning "nickel ore – smelting – deep processing – high-end equipment manufacturing."

    With a total projected investment of 400 million yuan (55.18 million US dollars), the project is expected to produce 6,000 tonnes of high-temperature corrosion-resistant alloy, 2,000 tonnes of pure nickel, and 2,000 tonnes of Monel alloy annually.Asian Metal Copyright5% and 18.Asian Metal Copyright These materials will serve key sectors such as aerospace, national defense, nuclear power, and ultra-supercritical materials.Asian Metal Copyright25 million US dollars to establish Lanzhou Jinchuan Nickel Alloy Co.Asian Metal Copyright Once operational, the project is anticipated to significantly reduce China's reliance on imported high-end nickel-based alloys, ensuring a stable, self-sufficient supply for critical initiatives, including domestically produced large aircraft, fourth-generation nuclear power, and deep-sea submersibles, etc.

    .Asian Metal Copyright, and Jinchuan Group Nickel Alloy CoAsian Metal Copyright
    Nickel Sulfate Ni 22%min; Co 0.4%max Delivered China
    Nickel Sulfate Ni 22%min; Co 0.4%max Delivered China RMB/mt
    China nickel sulfate producers' sales volume statistics by province by month
    Unit: mt
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