- 公司名称:
Coltan International
- 联系人:
- Alejandro Arciniegas
- 电话:
- +506-25 05 57 93
- 传真:
- 日期:
- 2012-11-06 07:11:46
- 类别:
- 小金属----铌
- 范围:
- 国际
- 买 /卖:
- 卖
- 品名:
- Columbite Nb2O5
- 规格:
- Nb2O5 69% + Ta2O5 7% U + Th >1%
- 数量:
- 10 metric tons per month
- 价格:
- USD $42/ Kg of Ta2O5
- 产地:
- Brazil
- 包装:
- Plastic Drums
- 装运地:
- Belem, Brazil
- 装运期:
- 1.5 weeks after contract signing
- 交货方式:
- 付款方式:
- 50% at loading port vs BL and Q&Q Assayer report, 50% at destination por vs Q&Q assayers report
- 单据要求:
- Certificate of origin, CNEM Certificate, Assayers report, BL, Other require by Brazilian government and destination country
- 商检:
- AHK, SGS, ASA or other mutually agreed
- 询盘效期:
- Dec 31 2012
- 备注:
- more info at www.magmacoltan.com