Company News
- Shaanxi Silver Mining and Hongma Technology advance nickel sulfate project [03-21]
- Lanshi partners with Jinchuan to build nickel-based alloy project [03-21]
- Huiran Industry maintains ferronickel production equipment [03-21]
- Angang Steel announces bid result for nickel briquette [03-21]
- Ansteel Heavy Machine announces bid result for ferronickel [03-21]
- China launches nationwide work safety inspections [03-20]
- JISCO Stainless Steel Branch invites bids for ferronickel [03-20]
- JISCO Stainless Steel Branch invites bids for nickel cathode [03-20]
- JISCO Stainless Steel Branch invites bids for crude nickel [03-20]
- China's Jan-Feb production of ten nonferrous metals up 1.4% YoY [03-17]
- Lingyuan Iron & Steel invites bids for nickel sheet [03-17]
- Grand Green Technology to raise electrowinning nickel production [03-14]