Market News
- Chinese high-purity dead burned magnesia prices stable [02-20]
- Chinese spinel FMAS prices to stabilize [02-20]
- Haiming Mining to resume fused magnesia production [02-20]
- Chinese H-Ca fused magnesia prices up [02-19]
- Chinese fused magnesia prices to rise [02-18]
- Major Chinese steel mills' daily steel product output slides in early Feb [02-14]
- H-Ca fused magnesia import prices stable in Europe [02-14]
- H-Ca fused magnesia import sees slow demand in India [02-14]
- Chinese high-purity dead burned magnesia export market sees few deals [02-14]
- Pengyi resumed fused magnesia production [02-13]
- Chinese fused magnesia prices stable [02-13]
- Chinese low-Fe fused magnesia prices firm [02-13]